Entrepreneurship Is An Endurance Sport - EP 005

pleasure & profits podcast Nov 30, 2023


If you’ve ever felt like, “I should be working harder,” or “I should be getting there faster,” or “This entrepreneur stuff is really freaking hard. Maybe I’m just not cut out for it,”...then this episode is for you. 

Today I’m sharing my experiences in marathon training, transitioning to long distance cycling, the insights and mental challenges inherent in both disciplines, and how they translate to the world of entrepreneurship. 

We’ll dive into the commitment to push through the discomfort and also how to know when to call it quits. Because what brings you pleasure & profits might be challenging. It might be hard work. But in the end, it should absolutely bring you satisfaction.

Tune in as I share with you: 

  • A personal story of training for my first (and only) marathon and how that mental game was much like entrepreneurship
  • How the longest and best bike ride I’ve ever done was one I didn’t finish, and why that was a good thing
  • How you get to choose your goals, pace and direction as an entrepreneur, but whatever you choose, it’s always an endurance sport
  • The importance of setting a sustainable pace in business to have the impact you want to have in the long term
  • How pleasure is found in the experience of the challenge, not in winning the race

Satisfaction as a strategy isn’t for everyone, but if you are passionate about making a difference in the world, you’re excited about the work you do and how it can impact people’s lives, and you love to challenge yourself, then it might be for you, if you choose it.


If you’re ready to have a deeper conversation about how to maximize impact, profit and pleasure in your business and life, you can schedule a time to connect with me right here >>>

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